Tag Archives: Tina Hois

Creativi-tea by Tina Hois

Tina Hois combined images and sayings from two different packs - the new Tea Break [...]

Follow Your Bliss by Tina Hois

Tina Hois has created a meaningful art journal page using images from our Doors & [...]

Around the Block by Tina Hois

Tina Hous has used our Weathered Walls and Tissue Backgrounds packs in such an ingenious [...]

Let Your True Colors Shine by Tina Hois

Tina Hois has done it again!  She's created another stunning art journal page, this time [...]

You Never Know . . . by Tina Hois

Tina Hois is here today to share an incredibly beautiful art journal spread that she [...]

Be a Mermaid by Tina Hois

Tina Hois shares her love of mermaids today by making an absolutely amazing art journal [...]

A Moment in Time by Tina Hois

WOW! Tina has created a stunningly gorgeous art journal page for us today. She was [...]

‘No Limits’ by Tina Hois

Tina Hois has created a stunning page in soft pinks, oranges and greens today using [...]

Life is Beautiful by Tina Hois

Tina Hois shares a gorgeous interactive page featuring our classic Doors & Windows pack as [...]

Music by Tina Hois

Tina has created a stunning page to inspire you this weekend! Featuring a gorgeous image [...]

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