Tag Archives: New releases

Creativi-tea by Tina Hois

Tina Hois combined images and sayings from two different packs - the new Tea Break [...]

Sani-tea Journal Cover by Lisa Goddard

Lisa Goddard has used our new release, Tea Break, in a unique way. She made [...]

The Nature of Tea by Rachel Lowe

Rachel Lowe used Claire Stead's Colourful World stack and our new-release, Tea Break, to create [...]

Let’s Make a Splash by Sharon Fritchman

Sharon Fritchman combined elements from several packs -- including our new release Happy Hour MiniStack [...]

A Cup of Tea By Claire Stead

Claire has used our new-release Tea Break MiniStack to create a fun and clever art [...]

Humourous Coffee Cards by Rachel Lowe

Rachel Lowe cleverly teamed up our new release Coffee Time pack with another pack to [...]

Party by Heather McMahon

Heather has used the digital version of our new release "Happy Hour" pack to create [...]

Our New MiniStacks Are Here!

Our New Release MiniStacks are here! We have three packs - Coffee Time, Tea Break [...]

Be Authentic by Lisa Oxley

Lisa Oxley continues to astound us! Once again, she combined her own signature style with [...]

Your Life is a Canvas by Claire Stead

Claire Stead amazes us again today with an absolutely gorgeous art journal spread that she [...]

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