Tag Archives: Lorraine Haight Moraine

Drink Coffee by Sharon Fritchman

Sharon is the lucky design team member who gets to go first using the new [...]

Where Are You Going? By Lisa Goddard

Lisa Goddard uses papers from two of our Artist Series packs to create this incredibly [...]

‘No Limits’ by Tina Hois

Tina Hois has created a stunning page in soft pinks, oranges and greens today using [...]

An Altered Playing Card by Tina Hois

Tina Hois cleverly mixes things up up a bit today by using 2 different Artist [...]

Love Lives Here by Lisa Oxley

Lisa Oxley is back today to dazzle you with her Tracy Verdugo inspired art journal [...]

They Thought I was Normal by Paula Perry

Paula is back today sharing another grid-themed art journal page, only with a few differences [...]

Sanity Time by Paula Perry

Paula has wowed us once again by creating a gorgeous art journal page! She used [...]

Be Utterly Uncommon by Lisa Oxley

The amazing Lisa Oxley shows us that you can really add something special to your [...]

Outsider by Paula Perry

Paula Perry shows her amazing, funky style beautifully here today as she blends a variety [...]

Inspirational Art Journaling by Heather and Sharon

WOW! Heather and Sharon each made a beautiful project using one or both of our [...]

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