Tag Archives: Inspirational Words

Embrace Life by Rachel Lowe

Rachel Lowe created a one of a kind, stunning art journal using Lisa Oxley's Artist [...]

Butterfly Card by Rachel Lowe

Rachel uses Lisa Oxley's papers to create this one-of-a-kind butterfly card. How gorgeous!

A Pocket Folio by Rachel Lowe

Rachel continues to amaze us with her incredible creations! This time she uses Lisa Oxley's [...]


This is Me by Lisa Oxley

Wow! Lisa makes a statement about individuality in this bold and colourful page.

Don’t Forget to Play by Sharon Fritchman

ArtStacks is not just for art journaling! Sharon used one of the new Artist Series [...]

Everything is Possible by Sharon Fritchman

Sharon shares a mixed media scrapbook page about her daughter's graduation that she made using [...]

Introducing Our New Guest Designer, Anat Weksler!

Our new Guest Designer is Anat Weksler! Anat has fallen in love with ArtStacks' printed [...]

Everything is Possible by Lisa Oxley

WOW!  Lisa is here today sharing an absolutely beautiful page! Lisa mixed and matched papers [...]

Happiness by Ulrika Karlsson

Ulrika uses vintage papers from The Dressmaker stack to create a unique background for this [...]

Be Kind by Paula Perry

Paula's used just a few simple steps to create this striking art journal page.

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