Tag Archives: Art Journaling
Love Lives Here by Tina Hois
Tina Hois uses several simple techniques to create this sophisticated art journal spread.
Creativi-tea by Tina Hois
Tina Hois combined images and sayings from two different packs - the new Tea Break [...]
A Thousand Leagues Down by Lisa Goddard
Lisa Goddard demonstrates her unique and beautiful style once again! This time she has made [...]
Your Life is a Canvas by Claire Stead
Claire Stead amazes us again today with an absolutely gorgeous art journal spread that she [...]
Be Curious by Paula Perry
Paula amazes us again with her unique style of art journaling! This time she created [...]
He Arrived by Lisa Goddard
Lisa Goddard has created a truly unique and striking double page art journal spread using [...]
Let Your True Colors Shine by Tina Hois
Tina Hois has done it again! She's created another stunning art journal page, this time [...]
The World Needs Colour by Rachel Lowe
Wow! Rachel Lowe is here today sharing an incredibly beautiful art journal page that she [...]
You Never Know . . . by Tina Hois
Tina Hois is here today to share an incredibly beautiful art journal spread that she [...]
Trust Your Heart by Lisa Oxley
Lisa Oxley delights us today by mixing and matching 2 different Artist Series packs with [...]