Category Archives: Trees & Leaves

Creativi-tea by Tina Hois

Tina Hois combined images and sayings from two different packs - the new Tea Break [...]

You Are Stronger by Claire Stead

Oh my - Claire has created a stunning art journal page featuring the gorgeous elephant [...]


Determination by Heather McMahon

Heather's used our new Tissue Backgrounds pack to create a gorgeous art journal page for [...]

We Do Not Inherit The Earth by Tina Hois

Our newest design team member, Tina Hois, has cleverly used images from two different packs [...]

Our House by Sharon Fritchman

Wow! Sharon's created an eye-catching and stunningly beautiful page using Tamara Laporte's gorgeous foxes plus [...]

Words Matter by Paula Perry

We are thrilled with what Paula has created for us today and we know you [...]

‘Stay Creative’ by Paula Perry

Don't you just love Paula's art journaling style? We love it and we love what [...]

Folio With a Message by Yvonne Russell

Yvonne finishes her feature week with a bang with this bright folio with a message. [...]

Letters to My Younger & Future Self by Yvonne Russell

Yvonne has created a gorgeous vintage-style folio full of secret pockets and gorgeous pieces tucked [...]

“All the Paths” by Lisa Oxley

Lisa has created a gorgeous whimsical art journal spread for us today!

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